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【學英文 懂新聞】兩岸局勢緊張 臺灣以德報怨

Taiwan Offers China Aid to Fight COVID Surge Amid Cross-Strait Tensions。(123RF)
Taiwan Offers China Aid to Fight COVID Surge Amid Cross-Strait Tensions。(123RF)


《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。 

Taiwan Offers China Aid to Fight COVID Surge Amid Cross-Strait Tensions Taiwan’s leader said Sunday that her nation is willing to assist China in dealing with its recent surge in COVID-19 infections despite mounting cross-strait tensions with China’s ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).   The CCP abruptly abandoned its draconian zero-COVID policy last month as COVID-19 cases surged and mass protests were mounting against the harsh restrictions on life in China. Throughout December, Chinese reported that the nation’s health services were being overwhelmed by the rapid rise in cases. As many as 37 million people per day were estimated to be contracting the virus in China, according to leaked minutes from a meeting of the country’s top health body confirmed by multiple news outlets.

(新聞來源:英文大紀元 )

【譯文】兩岸局勢緊張 臺灣仍願協助中國對抗疫情  



圖為2022年12月28日,天津市第一中心醫院的一名死者在輪床上。(NOEL CELIS/AFP via Getty Images)中國疫情感染成指數式上升,導致大量人死亡。 圖為2022年12月28日,天津市第一中心醫院的一名死者在輪床上。(NOEL CELIS/AFP via Getty Images)


surge,名詞 /sɝːdʒ/ 遽增


英解:a sudden and great increase

例句:There has been a surge in house prices recently.(最近房價飛漲。)  

mounting,形容詞 /ˈmaʊn.t̬ɪŋ/ 逐漸增加的


英解:gradually increasing

例句: There was mounting concern in her voice.(她語氣裡充滿越來越多的擔憂。) 

draconian ,形容詞 /drəˈkoʊ.ni.ən/ 嚴酷的


英解:extremely strict and severe

例句: Draconian measures have been implemented to control population growth.(已實施嚴厲措施來控制人口增長。)  

overwhelme,動詞 /ˌəʊvə(r)ˈwelm/ 難以承受


英解:to exist in such great amounts that someone or something cannot deal with them

例句:I am overwhelmed with school exams.(學校考試讓我不堪負荷。)


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