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【學英文 懂新聞】中共環臺軍演續集 老狗變不出新把戲

China Starts Drills Around Taiwan After US Speaker Meeting。(123RF)
China Starts Drills Around Taiwan After US Speaker Meeting。(123RF)

去年8月初,即將卸任的美眾議院長裴洛西閃電訪臺,中共旋即發動環臺軍演恫嚇。不到一年,總統蔡英文才剛結束與現任美眾議院議長麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)在美會晤,中共立馬上演環臺軍演續集,有句俗諺不知是否形容貼切:「老狗變不出新把戲!」 

《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。

China Starts Drills Around Taiwan After US Speaker Meeting

FUZHOU, China/TAIPEI—China began three days of military exercises around Taiwan on Saturday to express anger at Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, as the island’s defense ministry said it would respond calmly.

The drills, announced the day after Tsai returned from the United States, had been widely expected after the Chinese communist regime condemned the meeting with Speaker Kevin McCarthy in Los Angeles.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) views democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory and has never renounced the use of force to bring the island under its control. Taiwan’s government strongly objects to the CCP’s claims.


【譯文】「蔡麥會」後 中共展開環臺軍演





condemn,動詞  /kənˈdem/ 譴責


英解:to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons

例句:The Opposition has condemned the government's proposed tax increases.(反對黨譴責政府增稅提議。)

view as,動詞  /vjuː/ /əz/ 把A視為B


英解:to consider

例句:He has been viewed as the strongest candidate for the position.(一般認為他是該職位最有力的候選人。)

govern,動詞  /ˈɡʌv.ɚn/ 治理


英解:to control and direct the public business of a country, city, group of people, etc.

例句:The country is being governed by a bunch of incompetents.(國家被一群無能的人治理。)

renounce,動詞 /rɪˈnaʊns/ 放棄


英解: to give up or put aside voluntarily

例句:Her ex-husband renounced his claim to the family house.(她前夫放棄了家庭房屋所有權。)



1.英文有句諺語:You can't teach old dogs new tricks.您覺得形容中共政權合適嗎?試舉出實例。
